Active Consciousness - October/November 2020


How Much Is Too Much?

I've recently joined an online forum started by the amazing writer, philosopher, and speaker Charles Eisenstein -- one of my personal heroes. Charles has emerged as important visionary for our times, and has also been supportive of homeopathy. It turns out that his first wife, Patsy, was cured of a serious ailment thanks to homeopathy -- and I recently found out that reading Impossible Cure was one of the reasons she tried it! Several people on Charles's forum are also fans of my second book Active Consciousness. Some of you might also remember that he interviewed me a few years ago for his podcast, A New and Ancient Story. Our conversation ranged from homeopathy to synchronicity.

Recently, Charles asked me to be a featured writer for the forum. My first contribution was the following article that touches on many issues that will be of interest to my newsletter readers. I hope you find it interesting!

How Much Is Too Much?

How much is too much? That seems to be a question that keeps coming up these days, in one form or another.

How much surveillance is too much surveillance? How much money is too much money? How many immigrants are too many immigrants? How much state control is too much state control? How much freedom is too much freedom? How much population is too much population? How much food is too much food? How much medicine is too much medicine? How much safety is too much safety? How many mandatory vaccines are too many mandatory vaccines? How much parental control is too much parental control? How much nudity is too much nudity? How much alcohol is too much alcohol?

I could go on and on. The answer depends on where and when you live and what the norms of society are. (Continue Reading)


The Beauty of Nature


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Don't forget to visit Amy's book websites:

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

and her blogs:
